Kuro Sumi
Kuro Sumi
“Kuro”, which loosely translates to “black” in Japanese, highlights Kuro Sumi’s reputation as the premier tattoo ink for outlining and gray wash, offering the “absolute blackest pigment in the tattoo industry”.
“Sumi”, which loosely translates to “before” in Japanese, is representative of the rich history and tradition of Japanese tattooing and celebratory of our our ink blends that have been handed down from generations of Japanese tattoo artist and improved over that time to be what it is today.
Originally formulated in Japan, we’re inspired by our unique culture and rich history. We’re a product of determination and we honor our past by creating Kuro Sumi Tattoo Ink that is influenced by that same boldness, utilizing elements to give your tattoos a new dimension.
The Dragon is a symbol of strength and wisdom. It’s been a prominent part of East Asian culture for thousands of years. Our adaption of the Dragon honors that tradition and we remain inspired by the culture when creating reliable inks.
We want to make your dark scale tattoo dreams a reality. We’ve created the purest, valiant black pigments and grays that offer adaptability and authenticity. Our colors make it easier for you to find exactly what you’re looking for, making us a leader in outlining and shading ink.
Originally formulated in Japan comes the formula and ingredients for a truly safe and amazing tattoo ink. Give your tattoos the ink they deserve. Now made in the USA! These formulas incorporate organic elements, are vegan friendly and animal-cruelty free! Kuro Sumi ink is made from the best stuff on Earth and will truly dazzle your customers with extraordinary results.